
Rekindle Your Wild Joy and Deep Belonging to the Earth

Beneath snow, seeds still remember November 2, 2020

Happy Hallowe’en, Samhain (a.k.a. Celtic New Year), All Souls Day, and Dia de los Muertos, y’all.

After all the difficulties that 2020 has brought, at this turning of the year toward the even darker half in the Northern hemisphere and the crucial upcoming USA election weighing upon many, here is a thought meditation I hope will be useful to you as it is to me:

Seeds below snow, no matter how heavy or thick, still remember their flower nature.

Be a seed. Stay the course, friends. No matter how hard things get, may we all remember and allow ourselves to express our own innate basic goodness. Joy and compassion can be radical interventions these days. Please enjoy your life and be kind to one another. Allow your flower nature to blossom in the most unexpected places.


(The above gorgeous art is by Travis Bedel, a.k.a. Bedelgeuse.)


2 Responses to “Beneath snow, seeds still remember”

  1. RedChef Says:

    Beautiful. Thank you for the wishes, and for the lasting images and indirect affirmations. 🙂 I should print this out and paste it on my desk…

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