
Rekindle Your Wild Joy and Deep Belonging to the Earth

Cartoon History of Psychology June 1, 2010

Filed under: Articles,Arts,Drawing,Humor — BrujaHa @ 10:38 pm
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This is a paper I wrote in graduate school, believe it or not. The class was Western Personality Theories. It didn’t take me long to realize that this particular assignment, to show our understanding of one theorist, bored me to tears. So I asked if I could literally illustrate my understanding – which, after all, is a lot more work than cranking out a pure-text paper. I was fortunate: the professor was Carolyn Foster, one of the best. (See her current activities.) Her response was priceless, including:

“While my EGO was thinking “My doesn’t Tina understand Freud well, Isn’t she talented…” my ID was going, “OOH GOODY, FUN PICTURES, WHAT’S NEXT, HEE HEE… but my SUPEREGO was harping away: What would [the department chair] think of this? Is this OK for graduate level work?”

She ultimately concluded that it was, and even though it is not fully finished since the assignment deadline was set for the writing of ordinary mortal prose papers, I passed.

The scholars among you will have picked up on the bit in that narrative that’s most relevant to you: the piece that follows isn’t completely finished. If you want more, hey, clamoring has often worked. Especially when accompanied by chocolate, or a series-publishing offer.

If you have trouble reading it at this size, you can click on each page to enlarge it.

Hope you enjoy this serious academic paper. Ahem.


6 Responses to “Cartoon History of Psychology”

  1. Tim Says:

    That is sick and rude! How can you make fun of something as serious as psychology?

    Tim “The Poker Shrink”

  2. Patricia Dines Says:

    (Facebook link)
    OMG Tina, this is so GREAT! It is lots of fun and yet – informative. What a lovely way to make such info digestible – as well as updating it for a greater gender awareness. Please DOOO continue! (OK, how many stages did I represent in my post? It was unintentional, really! 🙂 )

  3. Hans Gruenig Says:

    (Facebook link)
    That’s great — very witty! I liked how you included “oral lectures” in the bibliography. Very appropriate. 🙂

  4. Wallinger Says:

    Antoher nice post. Much appreciated

  5. Terence Galanga Says:

    Again, a interesting posting, Great stuff. Cheers.

  6. Olen Deliz Says:

    You’re on the money with what you say. Thanks.

What do you think?