
Rekindle Your Wild Joy and Deep Belonging to the Earth

alt.vegetable January 7, 2012

I love being a grownup. Unlike in childhood, if someone at work beats you up, they go to jail. Adulthood has so many perks, mainly to do with freedom: staying up as late as you like; listening to any music you like; hanging with the friends you like, no matter how bizarre; having your own car so you can all go wherever you want while blasting the aforementioned music out the window for your weirdo friends to sing along to at all gawdawful hours.

To the child still awake in me, one of the best perks is that if you don’t want to eat your vegetables, you have many viable options.

You can wear them…





You can glue them to your car…



…or morph your car into one  (although the interior might be a bit seedy).


You can play with them…

Party guests made these fanciful beings as part of the celebration of Damien McAnany’s birthday in Santa Rosa, CA. Yep, we played with our food!  (The ginger-footed critter is mine.)


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…Or you can literally play them.

Introducing the Wien Gemueseorchester (Vienna Vegetable Orchestra).



Here they are again, featuring a live performance on carrot.



If you get inspired by this post to make your own animistic vegie sculptures, music or couture, please come back and share stories/links in the Comments box below.

Vegetables can be both good for you and fun. Who knew?


Sometimes it’s the little things that count… January 29, 2010

Filed under: Arts,Humor — BrujaHa @ 9:43 pm
Tags: , , , , , , , , ,

It was bleak, it was rainy and totally grey;

The skies and my mood showed congruent decay.

But a dear loving friend pushed all that away:

A small vampire appeared in my mailbox today.

(Thanks, Ken & Ruth!)

When you next de-clutter your house, consider sending those mathoms on to bring your friends joy.