
Rekindle Your Wild Joy and Deep Belonging to the Earth

Dreams at 98 May 6, 2015

Filed under: Adventures,With Elderly Parents — BrujaHa @ 11:38 pm
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Dad, 2013

My dad has been having dreams about my long-dead mom. At first he didn’t want to tell me their content. They’re sexy dreams; sweet dreams. He’s in bed with her. He gets up to go to the bathroom, and they are conversing. So simple; so sweet.

He often feels now that she, or his also-deceased second wife, are there in the room with him. Sometimes he gets the strong sensation that one of them is in a room he’s just about to enter, and he’s surprised when he opens the door to find she is not there — even though he knows full well they’ve not got bodies anymore.

The veils between the worlds are growing thin for him.

This is one element of what it means to be 98 years old.


I haven’t been writing about life with him here. I share some stuff with my friends on Facebook, but not here because I keep thinking this blog should not be personal in nature, but of widespread interest. The longer I go through this journey with my beloved elder, though, the more I shake my head and think, “Wow, I sure wish I’d known about that before.” So I’m going to start writing about it here for myself to process and help remember, and also for you folks, because there’s a chance you might find something useful for yourself in my experiences. And also because what the heck: life is short, and stories are best shared.


16 Responses to “Dreams at 98”

  1. themonthebard Says:

    Hear, hear! AND it’s your blog, and you can make it anything you want it to be.

  2. Cyndee Says:

    Thank you for sharing your Dad’s dreams with us. I thought I was the only one who dreamed of family that has passed away. Hugs to you and your dad!

    • Tina Fields Says:

      Thanks, Cyndee. I think that’s pretty common. Who knows if it’s just us processing, or if it’s actual communication? Either way, it often provides solace and even clear help or advice, so big thanks to these ancestors and friends across the veil. Hugs back to you!

  3. Marni Rachmiel (Facebook link) Says:

    Thank you for sharing!! You are right that others can benefit from your experience and wisdom.

  4. Susan Pleck (Facebook link) Says:

    What Marni said. I figure traversing the years and changing relationships with parents is universal and thus of widespread interest. (and even if we don’t have a parent or other elder live long enough to experience profound/significant changes in the relationship, we probably wonder how things would have evolved had they lived.)

  5. Nicky Duenkel (Facebook link) Says:

    So glad you are sharing!!

  6. Cynthia Scott (Facebook link) Says:

    Thanks for sharing this, Tina.

  7. Teri Rasmusson (Facebook link) Says:

    I thinks it is always a privlage to have someone share their dreams with you. It is such a part of them that is special and they might not even know much about that part. So it seems like such a special thing for someone to share that part…

  8. Sharyn Peterson (Facebook link) Says:

    What gifts you and your father are to each other. (And to us, when you share your stories.)

  9. Tim Lavalli (Facebook link) Says:

    “Our normal waking consciousness, rational consciousness as we call it, is but one special type of consciousness, whilst all about it, parted from it by the filmiest of screens, there lie potential forms of consciousness entirely different.”
    –William James

  10. Jennifer Bamesberger (facebook link) Says:

    When I was living at my mom’s house as an adult in 1998, one night as I was sleeping, I felt her sit down on the edge of my bed. I thought it was odd that she didn’t say anything, but I felt at peace, so I did not fully awaken. When I asked her the next morning about it, she looked at me funny and mentioned that she had not come into my room but instead had been sitting on a gurney in the hospital hallway, where she had driven herself in the middle of the night to deal with an asthma attack. There is definitely more out there than our rational minds perceive and classify. Thank you for sharing your dad’s stories. It is reassuring to know that his connection with his loved ones remains so strong.

  11. Coleen O'Connell (facebook link) Says:

    I love the thin veil. Yes I think it is true.

  12. Glenn Aparicio Parry (Facebook link) Says:

    Life is a cycle, not a line, so it makes sense that in old age we regain the abilities we had as children – seeing beyond the veil of rational mind, and so forth. Please keep documenting. Fascinating.

    • Yes. I wholeheartedly agree. If we live open to possibilities and allow our thinking minds to weave freely with our spirited hearts and souls, the mysteries and miracles of life are forever there for us to discover. Sharing our personal experiences is what keeps us connected. 🙂

  13. Ryan Hurd (Facebook link) Says:

    Beautiful. Thank you.

  14. Thank you for sharing, Tina. My mom often has dreams about her mom, and in every one she receives a hug from her. She believes this is her mother’s way of expressing that she is still with her, loving her and supporting her. I experience the “thin veil” also in energies I feel around me from time to time, and I often think I “see” shadows/ movement accompanying this. I feel the energies of beloved relatives and companion animals that live beyond the veil. Freaks me out sometimes, but in a good way. It’s a blessed reassurance, a comfort, and a felt connection that is truly stunning. I’m not sure it’s even a veil. It makes sense to express it that way but it also defines a separation, or maybe it is just an expression of distinction? I’m not sure, but it feels as though the extent the energy is felt and shared in those moments, the veil is lifted and there is no separation. Perhaps the extent to which we are open to it is how it is revealed to us.

What do you think?