
Rekindle Your Wild Joy and Deep Belonging to the Earth

Shapeshifting: Masks! October 23, 2010

Who or what would you like to be today?

These are works of art, but not only for passively hanging on the wall.

Each mask is initially made from plaster bandage material molded right on the face of its intended wearer. While anyone can wear them, they fit one person perfectly and are comfortable to wear for hours on end, even while dancing.

I love this half-mask style which allows the wearer to freely speak, drink and eat while keeping it on. They are also cooler this way (temperature-wise, I mean!)

This mask is embellished with feathers of peacock and turkey vulture, acrylic paints, and a found brooch for the 3rd eye.

Water mask

Horse mask


Raven mask.  (This one I made for myself.)






Jaguar mask

This woman was browsing at the Wearable Art Show in Reno, Nevada when she came upon my booth and picked up the Jaguar Mask.

Isn’t her outfit perfect?!

Some things are meant to be.




If you would like a mask of your own, contact me!

Special masks can be great not only for Hallowe’en but also for rites-of-passage rituals at times of life changes, theater pieces, cosplay, Burning Man, science-fiction/fantasy cons, as a documentation of the lovely pregnant belly (belly mask!), shamanic ally work, or mythopoetic play with alter egos in your own psyche.

Also available for group work with adults and teens, and children. I have experience with children as young as first graders as an Artist-in-Residence, with adult community theater troupes, with pagan covens, dancers, and celebrating individuals of all sorts.


7 Responses to “Shapeshifting: Masks!”

  1. Jim Marcolina (Facebook link) Says:

    Mask or no mask, I’d know that deranged smile anywhere.

  2. Erfert Fenton (Facebook link) Says:


  3. Lane Tietgen (Facebook link) Says:


  4. Debby Dahlstrom (Facebook link) Says:

    Seems to me Ravens are the storytellers as regards NW Native American lore…..or is that the tricksters…?

    • Tina Fields Says:

      Debby, in the Pacific NW, Raven appears as both trickster and creator/liberator – rather like Coyote in U.S. desert southwest tribal peoples’ stories. For example, in a Haida tale, Raven coaxed the first humans to emerge into this world from a clam shell. And in a Tlingit story, Raven stole a special box owned by Seagull (just due to being hungry and selfish and curious and strong-minded), thus inadvertently releasing the moon and stars that we still see today. So I guess perhaps the storyteller part comes in because without Raven, there’d be no us to tell the tales, nor light to see one another by to tell them. –I love this stuff.

  5. Mira Z. Amiras (Facebook link) Says:

    That is sooooo Tina.

What do you think?