
Rekindle Your Wild Joy and Deep Belonging to the Earth

Taming the Tyranny of Time September 29, 2020

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Are you feeling the pressures of chronic time urgency or “hurry sickness,” with too many tasks on your plate and far too little time to do it all in? Do you know which chronotype you are, so you can choose a schedule optimal for your own body and psyche? Are you curious about other modes of relating to time than the one-way linear “arrow of time” we in the industrialized west accept as a given? Then you might enjoy my short book chapter.

Summary from the Intro: The stress of ever-increasing pressure to rush that characterizes industrial growth societies is having detrimental effects on the health of individuals, communities, and the planet. This chapter illustrates the need for change and introduces alternative cultural modes of perceiving and interacting with time. Its final section offers simple, practical exercises based on these models, as viewed through the lenses of transpersonal psychology and ecopsychology, for experiencing time as sacred rather than as a tyranny.



If you read it, please share your thoughts in the Comments! Thank you.


Reference: Taming the Tyranny of Time. Shadows and Light: Principles, Practices and Pedagogy of Contemporary Transpersonal Counseling. Chapter 5 (pp 61-82). Francis Kaklauskas, Louis Hoffman, Carla Clements, & Dan Hocoy, eds. Colorado Springs, CO: University Professors Press, 2016.

Image: from the fabulous movie Hugo.